Sphere CC Processing Set up

Hello All,
I just got my authorization codes for Sphere and I have been trying to set up the module. I have a few questions for any who have experience with this or answers:

  1. Site Address Override - I can’t find any information either in the forums or from Sphere regarding this, other than on the instruction site which says " * Some things that also need to ensure for this module to work:
  • Need to be using https
  • The global Connectors->Site Address Override needs to be correct"
  1. Is it possible to manually enter the credit card information?
    3. Which credit card readers have people had success with? I didn’t get any information from Sphere during the set up process and I couldn’t find anything in the forums.
    Thank you, Matt


Site Address Override is to ensure the redirect works (after submitting a charge it is what brings you back to the site).

So, for example, for the demo at:
site address override should be set to:

So, for example, for the demo at:
site address override should be set to:

The patient portal uses manual entry of cc data:

The Clinic interface supports payment over phone (ie. manual entry) and payment via reader:

There is only one supported credit care reading device which Sphere definitely should know about (if they are unaware of this, then cc me on your email trail with them at brady.g.miller@gmail.com).