Speech Input?

sunsetsystems wrote on Friday, October 05, 2007:

Anyone using a speech recognition product with OpenEMR?  If so, what do you use and how well does it work?


penguin8r wrote on Monday, November 12, 2007:

We have one doc who has been experimenting with using the built in speech recognition in Windows Vista (I know, Vista==Nasty!, but it was on his tablet anyway), & had some success, but it only works when accessing OpenEMR thru Internet Explorer.  I upgraded the Windoze install on my laptop to Vista Business, so I’m hoping to have some time soon to try getting it to work with Firefox but M$ may have done something to make that impossible.

andres_paglayan wrote on Monday, November 12, 2007:

I am not familiar with vista speech yet.
The little experience we have in Speech recognition shows that only advance engines including medical dictionaries will work.
those not including them, will output gibberish, and the only one that more or less worked fine is the medical version of dragon.

penguin8r wrote on Tuesday, November 13, 2007:

   Yes, that is pretty much correct.  The Vista speech recognition is what I would call "functional", not good, not even adequate, but functional for some things.  Dragon Medical is still the best choice, but a lot of people are not willing to spend the $$$ they want for that product.  The doctor I mentioned above would rather do a little fixing in the stuff he dictates than pay for Dragon.

bdwderm wrote on Wednesday, November 14, 2007:

I’ve had good success with Dragon Preferred having manually imported medical terms. You should also check out www.knowbrainer.com as their medical dictionaries are reasonably priced. The speech engine in DNS preferred is the same as the Pro version.

tekknogenius wrote on Wednesday, December 05, 2007:

Unless you have a quiet work area it doesn’t really work. Also, you need to have your thoughts already set otherwise modern TTS engines don’t accomodate for the err, um, mumblings :slight_smile: IMO it can work, but it is difficult in its current incantation.

bdwderm wrote on Monday, December 10, 2007:

If you’re accessing openemr from a windows based machine you should check out Phrase Expess:  www.phraseexpress.com/

This is not a speech recog. program but is very easy to use and allows you to paste your frequently used text phrases any windows app. For example, NP <enter> pastes in my boilerplate for a new patient and can include macros that prompt you for specifics.
