Solving issues with OpenEmr 7.02 LBF forms

Hello everyone! I´m new to this forum and to OpenEmr. I´m starting as OpenEmr user. I´ve recently created an LBF form for my project, and I made a classical rookie mistake: I introduced an open space in the LBF form title. I would like to know how to fix it. Thanks in advance.

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 7.02

I’m using Mozilla Firefox

Operating System
I’m using Ubuntu

Did you search the forum for similar questions?
No, not yet. But it seems to me (maybe I’m wrong) that somehow is rather difficult to obtain in this community quick fixes for problems with LBF forms (it´s only a mere perception),

Did you check the logs?
Was there anything pertinent in them?
Please paste them here (surround with three backticks (```) for readability.
You can also turn on User Debugging under Administration->Globals->Logging User Debugging Options=>All

Hi @Sergio_Santana_Porbe
Welcome to the OpenEMR Community, I hope you are able to find the answers you seek.

Since you are new to the community you may have expectations of tech support such as you would find if you were using a commercial EMR and had purchased a support contract. You may hire a vendor to provide paid support for OpenEMR, but OpenEMR is a very different sort of creature from commercial products. User/ tech support is offered at no cost by unpaid volunteers through this forum and the OpenEMR documentation wiki. The information is out there but it is up to you to find it and put it to use.

And you have taken the first step: asking in the forum. Now, the next step of looking in the forum is to search on your topic in previous posts asking the same question-- and hey look, there is another post asking how to delete a LBF form!

OpenEMR org also has a wiki with user manuals for the version you’re using, at

It contains a lot of documentation on the application. It is not quite as easy to search as the forum but the information is more in-depth.

See this wiki page for one tutorial:

This gives you the steps to build a LBF, and you can go back through the steps of creating it and un- create it: should be able to delete the groups of the form then delete the name from the list of LBFs.

Every wiki page has a search tool at the bottom where you can enter your search term, and see the matching page titles and page contents. And you do not need an account to log into in order to search and read the wiki.

And then when you search the resources for general information, come on back to the forum and ask specific questions!

Best- Harley

Harley: thanks for your quick reply. I was able to review the “Delete the LBF form”. Solution was to uncheck the “Active” box. And I perceive in previous versions the LBFs appeared as a list under Administración/Lists. But not anymore under 7.02 (at least up to the moment I’m writing this). But you have hinted that deleting fields, then goups of fields, would render the LBF prone to deletion. I’ll give it a try. I’ll keep you posted. Once again, thank you.

Hi @Sergio_Santana_Porbe
Thanks for the followup, I’m interested to know how that works.

Thing about LBFs is that an LBF stores its data and interface components in several places that refer to each other by object names and table IDs etc. And the object names and IDs for an item are not the same in all the tables they appear in.

If you have multiple LBFs and want to delete only one which has data in it you’d need to track the entries for that LBF through maybe 3 - 4 database tables to totally eradicate all the form objects and data belonging to that form.

The complexity of the process does beg to have an automated process to accomplish it but I haven’t heard of any and a search only talks about inactivating the forms:

I suspect that part of the problem is that generally speaking it is not done to actually delete (make non- existent) any healthcare data once it’s been created. Inactivating the LBF takes the form out of play while still retaining its data.
Best- Harley

Dear Harley:
First of all, my best wishes of health and luck.
I’m acknowledging your message.
May I thank you for your time and disposition.
Truly Indeed. An operational LBF form is comprised of a layout, a group of fields, data fields nested within the former, and data values contained within fields.
When you explore the structure of OpenEMR with phpMyAdmin, You find the features of the particular LBF is distributed among forms (containing the layout id and title), layout_groups_properties (with groups ids and names), layout_options (with data fields ids and names), and lbf_data (with data values and fields ids).
Thus, it’s rather difficult to erase an LBF form altogether without a cascade-like updating routine.
However, if you delete data fields and groups of fields from the layout (within OpenEMR), then the LBF only appears in forms (provided you haven’t entered any data). Then it would easy just to select the pertinent LBF in forms within phpMyAdmin and proceed to erase it from the list of forms.
There is a catch in all this process, however. In my case, given the mistake I made, the disputed LBF does not appear in forms (because it lacks the corresponding needed for referencing it). So, I’m thinking of writing a script in order to DROP it from the OpenEMR database.
Dear Harley: These are my thoughts in this matter for now.
I would like to have yours, notwithstanding the fact that you have always insisted in that you are not a developer (me neither).
Best regards and good luck in this new year 2025 for all the people in the OpenEMR community.
Thank you for your time and dedication.
La Habana

Hi @Sergio_Santana_Porbe
Your idea sounds like it could be a very helpful tool, but as you yourself have described, it would need to be implemented VERY carefully!
It would be interesting to see what progress you make with it.
Best- Harley