SOAP form does not load

rdh61 wrote on Thursday, February 06, 2014:


I have modified my SOAP form to include some fields that where not provided by the default form. I simply replaced the original soap folder in /var/www/openemr/interface/forms with my own (I have a backup), and adjusted the permissions to match those of the original folder and files. It worked perfectly.

I have now updated to version 4.1.2-2, and had to repeat the procedure. However, my modified form does not load. Oddly, the original SOAP form continues to load despite the original SOAP folder and files having been removed to a different (back up) location!

I have encountered this problem before, but it was easily solved after checking and adjusting the folder and file permissions. However, this time I am 100% certain that my permissions match the originals.

Any help gratefully received.

Many thanks.

yehster wrote on Thursday, February 06, 2014:

Possibly due to cached smarty templates or improper permission in


(Yes I know it says calendar, but that’s where all the compiled smarty files go…)

rdh61 wrote on Friday, February 07, 2014:

Thank you for you answer. Please take into consideration that I am a medical man more than an IT man. I do not know what a smarty template is. In the “compiled” directory you point me to I find several sub-directories and files with weird names. I am attaching a screenshot (I hope). The permissions are set as follows:


Owner: www-data
Group: www-data
View: Only Owner and Group
Change: Only Owner
Access control: Anyone


Owner: www-data
Group: www-data
View: Anyone
Change: Only Owner
Execute: Nobody

Does all this look in order? If not what should I do with it?

Many thanks.

rdh61 wrote on Sunday, February 09, 2014:

Any other suggestions anyone?


fsgl wrote on Monday, February 10, 2014:

While we wait for Kevin or one of the other developers to offer a more elegant answer, try to modify the SOAP note again and repeat everything in the first paragraph of the original post.

yehster wrote on Monday, February 10, 2014:

Try deleting all of the files and the subdirectories in the compiled directory and opening your SOAP form again and seeing what happens.

rdh61 wrote on Tuesday, February 11, 2014:

Thank you for your answers “fsgl” and Kevin. Kevin’s suggestion of deleting all of the files and the subdirectories in the compiled directory has worked, and I now have my modified SOAP form working again.

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, February 12, 2014:

Good to hear that Kevin’s post led to resolution.