drpwayne wrote on Tuesday, November 18, 2014:
Hello. I downloaded the latest OpenEMR Windows zip file this weekend to learn something about the system. It’s a very impressive project, and kudos to all the developers. I found a few issues, though, that probably affect certification and meaningful use. Mainly, the code sets that are required for coding problem list, family history, medications, language, race, etc. are not present. For example, in entering a new patient, the ethnicity and race choices come from the CDC code set, but the codes themselves are not inserted into the patient_data table. Same for tobacco use choices, which come from SNOMED-CT, and the patient’s problem list and family history, which also should come from SNOMED-CT. Medications should be coded as RXCUI from RXNORM, and labs as LOINC; languages from the ISO language set. I could not find any of these code sets in OpenEMR tables. Am I missing something?
Thank you.