my calendar is very slow, i have to keep restarting my server, before it used to be only from outside access, now even within the network this is happenning. Clearing the smarty cache has not helped. I noticed that Smarty 2.6.26 has been released.
is it possible that updating it may improve this problem?
if so, can I update it in my system or is that something that requires changing the programing of openemr?
I have an HP Prolian ML 350
freeBSD 7.0
Apache 2.2
mysql 5.1
I don’t think upgrading Smarty will help. But make sure you don’t have repeating events that extend out more than about a year. If you go several years into the future that can slow things down a lot. Also when MySQL is slow, it can help to have more memory.
Aside from that, you might tell us what calendar style you are using, which version of OpenEMR, and some clues as to how large and complex your calendar is.
And finally, the calendar code could benefit from a redesign and rewrite. Would be great if someone is willing to sponsor that.
NO repeating events
I use outlook style, but problem is with all styles. I agree it may be a memory issue
I use openemr 3.0.1
Dont know how to tell if my calendar is large and complex. We do not have a large volume of patients. the equivalent to one full time small solo practice.
what do you mean by sponsor? I do not program but I would like to help.
Restarting the server? You seeing anything in your php log? I’m guessing a memory issue or an I/O issue(running off network drive?); when you use ‘top’ command at commandline do you note your using any swap memory?
What are your system specs? Processor & Memory & hard drive?
Are you running on Linux or Windows?
The calendar code, while unwieldy, isn’t too bad. The only time I see a performance lag is when it tries to display a weekly view for 130 providers all at once. And then, I think it’s a browser rendering issue more than a data retrieval issue.
HP Proliant ML 350 G5 server (quad processor) with 1GB ram and 146GB hard drive space (2x146GB, Raid1)
the documents are located on external drive for more space
currently I am upgrading to 8GB ram, adding another processor and expanding hard drives (adding 3x300GB drives). Im waiting on parts.
I hope the memory will solve my problem.
Good lord! You’re system specs are overkill for running OpenEMR. It ought to run perfectly fine on a PIII-1Ghz with 512mb of RAM and 5GB hard drive.
I remember your slow calendar behavior from some posts you made about a year ago. I guess the problem did not go away.
Since the trouble is corrected by restarting then I will venture to guess that Apache or MySQL is eating up system resources. Yes, OpenEMR can be memory heavy at times but it should free that memory back when it’s done.
Perhaps it’s a memory leak in PHP or Apache or MySQL ?
Have you kept up with the patches offered from the FreeBSD community?
Correct, the problem has not gone away from 1 year ago
I am running freebsd 7.0 and I know they are up to 7.1 now, no I have not kept up with patches
but thanks for your reply, i will upgrade to 7.1 this weekend and will let you know
thanks so much
I was unable to upgrade my server.
For some reason the upgrade did not take, probably because I had not really kept it up to date.
I backed up everything, and did a new install of freebsd 7.2
then reconfigured everything, and that workded
openemr works nicely including the calendar.
So here is what I have:
freeBSD 7.2-Release
Apache 2.2
mysql 5.4-beta
openemr 3.0.1
System specs:
HP Proliant ML 350 G5 server
4GB ram
430GB hard drive space (Raid5)