For low-technology countries, Internet access and network are limited. In order to take advantage of sharing Patient Health records between facilities when patient seek care or reference in another health facility within the network or health care zone, the use of Smart Health cards has provided the alternative. In some areas, kiosks are created that allow the patient to view his/her health information as stored on the Smart Card.
Is it possible to "export’ the patient information as viewed in the patient portal to a portable medium (flash drive or smart card)? Does anyone has the experience of having tried such?
I am also interested by this topic of generating data from Open EMR that can be stored in a smart health card.
You said that you have a code that can export EMR data in an external tool. Can you please point me to that code?
In your message dated you said that <<I have code that will export OpenEMR records to a off line EMR tool that runs on a USB drive.>>
Can I have a copy of that code to see how I can export OpenEMR records to an external tool?
I would love too, but the code is not as simple as that. It’s part of a comprehensive package that includes a the USB application which is written in Java and and exchange server that is written as a TomCat Java servlet. The code that is run by OpenEMR is a simple script that passes the user authentication, the patientID and the providerID (Target user) to the Exchange server. That server reads the data base for all required data elements and posts them to a secure location for retrieval by the USB based application when it’s online and has a valid login.
It would not be difficult to write and simple tool that exports patient medical data. The CCR programs do that already by creating XML formatted patient summary information.
Take a look at the code for the importer, which is the other half of that same project. It’s located in contrib/util/importmi2-xml.php. This has a example format of the import and export data we use in our server.
Your username suggests that you are in a Software Developer enterprise. Apologies if my assumption is wrong. If you do finally develop a data exporting script from the CCR module, I hope you’ll be willing to share it with us. We are based in Africa and have limited software developer capacity at present.