This error is appearing often now. The most recent time:
“Code Search” opened from Eye Form Impression/Plan zone.
Code Search Modal opens, but press “Search” --> “Site ID is missing from session data!”
Close it and repeat opening modal from same eye form link, and it all works this time…
The main session is not expired because I can continue working in it without error.
I’ll continue to document where these are arising. Of note, I nearly always have more than one tab opened to the EMR.
hi @rmagauran ,
I am guessing that a call to top.sessionRestore() is missing when click on the Search button. (to prove this via testing, click to show the Search popup; then go to your other tab/session and work on that for a bit; then go back to your original tab and click the Search button)
I think I have some more info which may be helpful:
Open a browser and in one tab, login and open a session to openemr.
Open a new tab, login and open a session to openemr. Works great.
First tab is no longer active with its own session.
Start over. We are going to open 3 tabs in the same browser.
Open a TAB 1, login and open a session to openemr.
Open a patient chart and get to work…
Wait, you have to answer a patient call.
To not destroy your work, you open a new tab TAB 2. You have to login again to the system and open another session to openemr. Open the chart of the patient on the phone and get to work. Great. Return to original tab. It looks like you are in Patient 1 chart. You are not. Click on Patient 1 to bring up their Dashboard and encounter page, and you get the “Site ID is missing from session data!”. By opening tab 2 and creating another session, you have just destroyed the session in TAB 1.
One a third tab TAB 3, login to openemr. Do nothing except switch back to TAB 2 and watch for changes… If you do nothing, you will still get this message, except it shows up in the New Messages indicator. If you do anything, TAB 2 will revert to “Site ID is missing from session data!”.
hi @rmagauran, can’t reproduce the 3 tab behavior where you state
it’s starting to look like OpenEMR v6 will need to define the tabs differently since there should be no need to start another session to focus on another person, so maybe certain tabs could contain the patient title info (picture, dob, age, etc) like the pt main summary page and encounters and tabs like the calendar and messages would not have that viewable