justinhartman wrote on Tuesday, August 02, 2011:
I really did not want to do this but due to the nature of the e-mail I just received, and put ion as response number 14, I am posting my reply.
I was asked: “Justin, I’m curious to know why you feel as you do on this
topic, and what is your connection with OpenEMR and/or any
of the project’s vendors?”
By Rod and I guess I did not respond quick enough due to being at work.
Rod, for how you are putting how you feel and others comments, you are now doing exactly what you are saying you do not like, and putting a personal stab at me for no reason at all. This is very unprofessional to not let me respond and post what you just did. How is this community oriented and not acting like a dictatorship?
Here is my response:
"Due to me not being able to respond quickly enough I do not
feel as though you need to be unprofessional with your
comments. I have used the software way before joining Bowen
Primary & Urgent Care, have been consulting with medical
practices for several years, and also am from the Mid-west.
Your remarks to me are exactly what you are complaining
about in the public forum: “Oh never mind, looks like we
have astroturfing going on now”
Sorry that I actually put what I do on a public forum. I
would appreciate in the future the time to reply before you
sending me 3 messages without explaining what I do, how I
support to the project, and why I feel how I do.
As I said before, now you are acting like those you are
complaining about, so think about that before you try to
ridicule and degrade my input on subjects."
Justin M. Hartman, M.B.A.