teryhill wrote on Friday, May 08, 2015:
Does anyone use multiple fee sheets?
tmccormi wrote on Friday, May 08, 2015:
We’ve had that request, but have not found a good way to do that so far.
teryhill wrote on Friday, May 08, 2015:
before I break out my hammer and chisel and start can you tell me how far you got?
tmccormi wrote on Friday, May 08, 2015:
not far. The superbill code is based on the FeeSheet and Service Catg entries in the list_options. It’s dynamically driven by them. So you would have to add some sort of indication for “Sheet1, Sheet2 etc” to each category and add selection filters to the Super Bill generator, not sure what you would do for the FeeSheet encounter entry screen.
We thought about driving it by appointment category(s) as a option. Same thing there would have to be a way to map Feesheet categories to appt catg and filter accordingly.
teryhill wrote on Friday, May 08, 2015:
lets see oh yea the new code for patient flow board includes 2 new fields in list_options called toggle_1 and toggle_2 they are check boxes. Could call them sheet 1 and sheet 2 or thing 1 and thing 2… Well as soon as we close I guess I will be hacking again. Gota love the opportunities we have to excel, I am even looking at some more items down the road that might be useful to the community (once me and my mentor finish Pat Flow Board).
Thanks for your help.
From: Tony McCormick tmccormi@users.sf.net
To: [openemr:discussion] 202504@discussion.openemr.p.re.sf.net
Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 3:08 PM
Subject: [openemr:discussion] sing multiple fee sheets in a practice
not far. The superbill code is based on the FeeSheet and Service Catg entries in the list_options. It’s dynamically driven by them. So you would have to add some sort of indication for “Sheet1, Sheet2 etc” to each category and add selection filters to the Super Bill generator, not sure what you would do for the FeeSheet encounter entry screen.
We thought about driving it by appointment category(s) as a option. Same thing there would have to be a way to map Feesheet categories to appt catg and filter accordingly.
sing multiple fee sheets in a practice
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teryhill wrote on Friday, May 08, 2015:
I looked that the service category list and I have no entries. Am I missing something?