Simplified Demographics to Remove Insurance Form


We’re trying to remove the “Insurance” options on the new Patient form screen. After research we enabled the “Simplified Demographics” in Admin → Globals → Insurance. This did remove the Insurance form, but after we create the patient, we get a Query Error (see attached screenshot and logs below).

Now the patient is still created successfully, and everything seems to be working ok, but is there a way to get rid of this error message? We don’t want to scare the practitioners with this big error message when they’re creating new patients.

As always, any help is greatly appreciated!

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 6.0

I’m using: Chrome

Operating System
I’m using: Windows 10


Query Error

ERROR: insert failed: INSERT INTO insurance_data SET type = ?, provider = ?, policy_number = ?, group_number = ?, plan_name = ?, subscriber_lname = ?, subscriber_mname = ?, subscriber_fname = ?, subscriber_relationship = ?, subscriber_ss = ?, subscriber_DOB = ?, subscriber_street = ?, subscriber_postal_code = ?, subscriber_city = ?, subscriber_state = ?, subscriber_country = ?, subscriber_phone = ?, subscriber_employer = ?, subscriber_employer_city = ?, subscriber_employer_street = ?, subscriber_employer_postal_code = ?, subscriber_employer_state = ?, subscriber_employer_country = ?, copay = ?, subscriber_sex = ?, pid = ?, date = ?, accept_assignment = ?, policy_type = ?

Error: Column ‘accept_assignment’ cannot be null

C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\library\ at 1349:sqlInsert
C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\new\new_comprehensive_save.php at 126:newInsuranceData(6,primary,)

Hi @HCsquared, think this was fixed in the first patch.

Yep, applying the patch fixed the issue, thank you!

Thank you for this post. I ran into the same problem and because of this post I immediately found the solution.