Simple ePrescribing option for OpenEMR

meditcare wrote on Monday, April 05, 2010:


It seems that a “loose integration” with one of available services would be
the easiest way to use ePrescription along with openEMR (by opening a new
Browser window).

Two free options are:

NEPSI (as mentioned before)

and AllScript ePrescribe.

Here is the User Guide:

However this requires an initial double entry of Patient demographic
data and a manual search of patient for each follow-on prescription.

Now, we are looking for an improved user experience by:

- Posting demographic data behind the scene, whenever a new patient
is added into OpenEMR
(According to Allscript this includes First Name, Last Name,  Date of
Birth, Gender and  Zip Code)

- And using some sort of SSO (single Sign-On) from Rx page to automatically
login and initiate search for current patient.

I am wondering what you think of this approach and if there has been any
activity along these lines?

       MedITcare Team

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:

I’d check in with OpenEMR Support, LLC. As i recall they are working on code for e-prescribing:

sinmu wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:

We currently involed in building up the E-prescription requirement, one significant issue regarding e-prescription to pharmacy drug dispensary is the conditional issue of the particular patient allergy highlighted.  Anyone has the experience in openemr regarding this

meditcare wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:


The option above would cover patient allergies and drug-drug reaction.
(see page 11 of AllScripts user guide:

However this again needs double entry :frowning:

A seamless integration with SureScript or one of their gateways would
be the ultimate solution.

Here is a list of Gateways:

I will check with OpenEMR Support, LLC as Brady suggested and
post an update here.

If anybody else is working on this, please share a short summary,
current status, availability and/or timeline.

     MedITcare Team

sinmu wrote on Wednesday, April 07, 2010:

Thanks Medicare,

allenluo wrote on Tuesday, November 30, 2010:

Has there been any recent progress on this?