My name is Lonnie Jones and I am the Co-Owner of BeyondMed. We are looking to use Open EMR and need some guidance on how to setup an account.
I have a Mac computer but I will be using a Dell computer when it I receive in a couple of weeks. We just wanted to get started and start becoming familiar with the platform before going live.
Any guidance on how to setup openEMR would greatly be appreciated.
I went to the download section on the website, but I did not see an option for a Mac operating system
Thank you so much for your response!! For not being an IT person I think waiting for my windows will definitely help make things less complicated ! I appreciate your time.
Thank you so much for you time!!! This really helps me understand what is needed to run this program. It seems it would be best if I just wait for my Dell to get here to make things less complicated. Thank you again and I appreciate your help !!