Hello OpenEMR support team, I am in the process of setting up an interface engine, I am currently running OpenEMR on my localhost. I have run into one snag, I do not know how which port to use when setting up the engine.
Would it be fair to state that the localhost is my would be my “Remote Host”? But would would be the port to use? Is there configuration that I need to before on the OpenEMR? Or where would I find the port number to use?
This completely depends on how you’ve setup OpenEMR. If you are running on localhost using the docker images the port will be 9300 for https. If you’ve setup apache yourself then the port will be 443 (with a default install) for HTTPS and port 80 for HTTP. You have to provide more detail on what installation method you are using for OpenEMR before anyone can advise you on port settings.
Stephen!! Thank you so much, I did the default Windows installation. So with that being said would that be the 443 over HTTPS and 80 over HTTP? Thank you for all of your guidance!