Setting up HIPAA email in openemr

did you use for SMTP Server Hostname?
did you use SMTP for Email Transport Method?

Notification Email Address, Patient Reminder Sender Email, and SMTP User for Authentication should all be the same email.

I realized that gmail does not accept any more “less secure” third party……I have to look for other options for email.

under security, you can’t turn “less secure app” to on? if not than this must have changed no more than 6 months ago because I read that to but was able to get it working like in august of 2022.

removed completely from my security tab, the switch is not there

I do not think this is the culprit, in gmail there is a workaround which is using app password that will be used in “devices” that can’t have 2 way verification, so I did generate the password and plugged it in openemr , not working , does not send email notification.

This is the thread I was referring to:

I compared the php files in my openemr 7 with patch 2 to the php files in the thread and they are different, that was in April 2022 so I would think it was addressed in the patch ? obviously that was not the case, any advice how to proceed from here?

sendgrid or or google they all work on v6,v7(1)(2), dev master.
I use them all!

I signed up an account with sendgrid, entered credentials in notification openemr, still does not send email for PP, just print option, port 25 ( among accepted ports for TLS with sendgrid is open)?

where are you trying to send an email from?

I go to the patient dashboard…> PP/API access…> I click on Credentials …> reset…It populates the patient’s email as user name and the password with account name, then gives me an option to print , since I want to send email I cancel ( or I print either way ) it does not send the email and gives me this notification

I did get the API key and password from sendgrid and plugged them in Notificcations for SMTP and opened port 25.

I use port 587 however while it is working in master I think there is a problem in v7!
I’m looking into…

tried now 587, not working…!

Okay it works! I didn’t have the Allow Email set to yes in demographics choices! So check that.
We should show an error in dialog or when clicking reset or create for this! It should be in documentation to set this though.

it is YES on allow patient Email from choices, when I click on reset to give a new set of credentials to send it does not give any error flags, just it does not send the email?

Don’t know what to say. Check your Notification setting ensure using correct credentials from sendgrid setup or the SMTP test from account set up. Trusted email set etc.

I did all that, even with app password from gmail with key , did not work, is there any error log for that operation that can catch this and where if so?

My set up is openemr on Ubuntu inside VBox, hosted on desktop windows 10, port 587 is open on VBox and on my router/wifi .

Looks like we check for the patient email address and not trusted for this. I’d set both. I think trusted is used in portal register.
If all setting mentioned are set and SMTP mailer fails then it will give error in php error log.

What is the path to the error log file? where to look?