Hi, how can i modify the form in default email as “yes” always?
Hello @jalea,
For setting Default value to the Allow Email, Follow the below steps:
1.Goto Administration → Layouts, and select Demographics in the Edit Layout option.
2.Scroll down to the choices section, and at the end of Allow Email row (row no:9) there will be a ? icon.
3.Clicking on the ? icon will open a small dialog box as like the attached image.
4.In the shown dialog box, add the values as like in the attached image and click on the save changes.
5.In the demographics section you can see the Allow Email will be selected as YES by default, and use value NO if Allow Email to be NO by Default.
hi @visolve, thanks for the help
my dialog box is completely different
look, “will be hidden if”…
Hi @jalea, Much has been done to LBF in version 5.0.1 between Rod and me so, a different look and some new functionalities.
I have another suggestion, You can try this.
- Create a new list with options “Yes” and “No” under Administrator → Lists and make “Yes” as default as shown in below screen shot.
- Goto Administration → Layouts, and select Demographics in the Edit Layout option.
- Click list column of Allow Email row, The pop window will open select the list that we have created newly.
- After mapping the new list to Allow Email field as shown in below screen shot ,save the changes.