Set a default rendering provider in fee sheet

tcilia wrote on Thursday, November 03, 2011:

We have only one provider. When we go to the fee sheet we have to select him from a drop down list. Is there a way that when we go to the fee sheet his name would be selected automatically in the Rendering Provider field? Thanks for any help.

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, November 03, 2011:


This code is from lines 1007 of the openemr/interface/forms/fee_sheet/new.php script:

genProviderSelect('ProviderID', '-- Please Select --', $encounter_provid, $isBilled);

The default value is the $encounter_provid, which should be the id of the provider that made the encounter. I think this may not be set in instances where others besides the provider made the encounter; in this case, I suppose you could hard code above function call with the ‘id’ of the provider whom you always want selected.


juggernautsei wrote on Tuesday, August 19, 2014:

I need to resurrect this thread. I am working on getting this function to work properly. I have been digging though the code and have mapped out a way to make this work as it was intended. But before I go to far.

Was this ever fixed? If so, where? We are running the latest version 4.1.2(7).


fsgl wrote on Tuesday, August 19, 2014:

For a solo practice, the Fee Sheet has “Default” under Provider and the name of just the one physician next to Rendering.

Neither drop down requires editing.

Paper & e-claims seem fine with this approach.

juggernautsei wrote on Wednesday, August 20, 2014:

The concern is while adding the coding to the fee sheet, the provider has to be selected each time instead of it auto populating with the provider that performed the encounter. So, if the doc or biller is adding 5 charges for each patient, that is 5 times the name has to be changed on the fee sheet because it just says – Default – each time a charge is added.

I have fixed it so that it auto populates as intended.

If you desired, I can post it on github.

teryhill wrote on Wednesday, August 20, 2014:

I would like to see it. That is a growing complaint from users “too many clicks”

Have you ever worked with a dymo printer?


fsgl wrote on Wednesday, August 20, 2014:

With multiple charges, nothing is done in the Provider column. Whether we use :Default" or the name of the physician, remittance are still received, no clicking involved.

juggernautsei wrote on Friday, August 22, 2014:

I will get the code posted over the weekend and let you know once it is posted.

juggernautsei wrote on Friday, August 22, 2014:

I understand what you are saying about leaving the default in the box on the fee sheet without changing it to the actual provider. But the system is not presented that way and providers / biller’s alike think that it needs to be set. If it didn’t need to be set, why is it there to begin with? (Only Rod knows the answer to this) So people don’t know it has no effect on the claim processing.

Conclusion. If it is not needed remove it. If it is needed fix it.

That is my humble opinion ( which ain’t worth a pine bark dime) :-3.

fsgl wrote on Friday, August 22, 2014:

The original poster & I were referring to a solo practice that has only one physician in the office.

“Default” works only for a solo practice. If it’s a group practice, of course, the name of the physician must be designated.

We like to think that everyone’s opinion counts.

juggernautsei wrote on Monday, August 25, 2014:

Below is the link to the commit.

I have worked with dymo printers in the past.

teryhill wrote on Monday, August 25, 2014:

Thanks for the code. Do you have any code to print to the dymo?


blungu wrote on Monday, August 25, 2014:

Using mdsupport patch we store last value in usersettings and restore next time. Users are happy.

juggernautsei wrote on Tuesday, August 26, 2014:

What are you sending to the dymo printer?

I don’t have any specific code for that but explain and maybe I can help.

juggernautsei wrote on Tuesday, August 26, 2014:

Where is the mdsupport patch located? Could you share a link to it?

blungu wrote on Tuesday, August 26, 2014:

This message show they use usersetting key as file.field to store/retrieve value. Use ajax or direct php depend on how script sets initial value.

Not sure why this not standard. It better than make user do same click every time. If program setting is good, nothing changes.

teryhill wrote on Tuesday, August 26, 2014:

I am thinking about using it to send an address label to it. will get to me off list

juggernautsei wrote on Wednesday, August 27, 2014:

I have found a glitch with the native system. There is a difference between the auto create encounter and the manually created encounter. The modification works well if using the auto create encounter because the name of the provider is set when the encounter is created by the system.
However if this feature is switched off, when an encounter is created manually the doctor the provider is not set. So, I will try to figure out where the manually created encounter function is located and need to update it to set the provider like the auto created encounter.

juggernautsei wrote on Wednesday, September 03, 2014:

I was able to get the glitch fixed so that the default provider populates both way.

bradymiller wrote on Friday, October 23, 2015:


Here is Terry’s code to address this issue. I was hoping to get a couple eyeballs to look at it to ensure it addresses the above issues before bringing it into the codebase:

To gain some background on this issue, here’s my analysis of how this stuff works:

  1. The Rendering provider that is chosen on bottom of fee sheet gets saved to the provider_id in the form_encounter table entry.
  2. When choose the provider on the individual lines in the fee sheet, then the choice gets saved in the provider_id in the billing table entry.

The billing code seems to do the following:

  1. If a provider_id does exist in the billing table entry, then uses it.
  2. If a provider_id does not exist in the billing table entry, then uses the provider_id in the form_encounter table entry.

And it then seems to make sense to:

  1. Always use Terry’s algorithm(the findProvider() function) for the default selection of the Rendering provider at bottom of fee sheet.
  2. Make it a global option to give user choice to auto-populate the individual items (when they are not yet mapped) with the provider vs “Default”. And the default out of box setting will be to not do this. This is because, if for example, the mapping is not right then users will be annoyed with having to keep changing them (whereby if it always is just set to Default, then don’t need to worry about it). But could be a useful setting for places that commonly need to apply individual items to different providers within one encounter (does that ever happen? maybe on the moon it does, who knows…).
