yehster wrote on Tuesday, May 01, 2012:
Only one AJAX call (or page load) can execute at a time when the script calls session_start
PHP locks the session file until it is closed. If you have 2 scripts using the same session (i.e. from the same user) then the 2nd script will not finish its call to session_start() until the first script finishes execution.
If you have scripts that run for more than a second and users may be making more than 1 request at a time then it is worth calling session_write_close() as soon as you’ve finished writing session data.
So part of the reason the demographics page takes a long time to complete is that each AJAX get called synchronously.
I’ve done some initial coding and you can see the difference. (My vitals load in less than half a second where as before it was waiting until after the 2 seconds the clinical rules needed to complete).
I’m not sure of other unintended consequences this might have though. I’ve scanned the files where I added session_write_close() to make sure that no attempts to change session variables are made after that point, but I could certainly have missed it.
Like I said, this issue applied to page loads in addition to AJAX, so when you load a new patient with the frames model, the encounters.php in the bottom frame has to wait for the demographics page to finish in the top frame.
Here is another useful explaination.