Services by category or syndromic surveillance can't print out. can't get a report for ICD 10

louhop wrote on Monday, June 09, 2014:

Hello All,
I am using OpenEMR 4.1.1, and installed it for a client as a test, and I’m trying to do some reports but can not find out how to get a report of Services by category or syndromic surveillance, or a report/print out for ICD 10. Could someone please point me into the right direction.


visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2014:

Hello Louis

The report for “syndromic surveillance” is present under “Reports->Visits->Syndromic Surveillance” menu.

report for “Services by category” is present under “Reports->Visits->Services” menu.

There is no option in the reports to display the ICD 10 codes at present, for which customization is required.

OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc
Demo’s @ ViSolve Demo Library

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2014:

Reports/Clients/Clinical, sorting by Patient Name and Diagnosis Code, will give a search for all ICD’s. To narrow the search add a specific CPT by choosing Service Code from the Option drop down.