Send Email from OpenEMR


I have updated the Email SMTP settings in Notification tab under Admin / Globals as given below

Email Transport Method - SMTP
SMTP Server Hostname -
SMTP Server Port Number - 587
SMTP User for Authentication - [EmailID entered here]
SMTP Password for Authentication - [Password entered here]
SMTP Security Protocol - TLS

But not able to locate the Email option/button to send email from anywhere in the OpenEMR

Is it require to enable anything in-order to make the Email option/button to visible

Any help on this would be greatly appreciable


Hello @Prabu_Mohandoss -
At this point OpenEMR has no ‘Email’ button per se- it has no capability to act as an email client to compose and read emails like Outlook or Thunderbird does. Email must be configured in order for several different modules in OpenEMR to carry out their functions, 3 of which I’ll mention here.

  • It is used by the patient portal module to send a patient their credentials when their portal account is created or reset. It is also used for the messaging function available from inside the portal. That messaging comes the closest to being the ‘Email’ you’re looking for, though it is limited to the patients in the EMR, whom the logged-in user is authorized to contact.

  • Looking in the patient Demographics screens, one may see multiple permissions for contacting the patient, some of which require an email configuration.

  • If the system’s Reminders are activated and configured, they can use email to notify the patients who have upcoming appointments.

Here’s a link to a search on the OpenEMR wiki for the word ‘email’ which returns all the pages mentioning that word, and includes most of the OpenEMR functionalities that use it to do their thing.

Best- Harley



The email function is for sending out the patient reminders.
There is no integrated email client.

Also, I don’t think the Microsoft 365 accounts work with the SMTP authentication. I haven’t had any luck with it.
It works with Google Workspace and Gmail accounts.


In Office365, you have to create an special App password. because it has forced Modern Authentication.



Hi @Rickkee_C -
Hey, it’s always good to welcome another contributor to the forum!
Thanks for the update, that’s going to come in really handy for a lot of people.
Best- Harley

Htuck, i have managed to reach till here… have already configured the port etc in admin settings.
But see no option to send an email reminder.

I confess I am not very familiar with emailed patient reminders. I refer the config of those to our devs.
But the OpenEMR wiki has these fairly recent documents on the topic.

Good luck!

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Thanks Htuck, you are always there to guide :slight_smile:

I have tried this help page settings. But the email is not being sent.
Will see if with the help of AI i can modify the code. :smiley: