Send and receive medical data from/to OpenEMR over the network

arpitgoel wrote on Friday, March 20, 2015:


I am looking for a way to connect to OpenEMR through a remote system. Basically I need to receive patient information and also create new patient in OpenEMR remotely. Is there any REST or SOAP API for it and does it require extensive knowledge of PHP?

fsgl wrote on Friday, March 20, 2015:

If OpenEMR is set up on a main server, data exchange can occur from a remote site with the server’s IP address/openemr in URL. The main server must be online at the time.

No programming knowledge is required.

Be aware that this will increase the security risk to the practice. Best to get professional help for this problem.

arpitgoel wrote on Friday, March 20, 2015:

I’m looking for a way to retrieve data without going to the webapp. I’ve been also working with OpenMRS and they’ve provided a REST web service that allows me to fetch or send data directly (with proper auth) to it without going on the app. Is there any such interface for OpenEMR. Also what if I create a channel through MIRTH. Would I be able to transfer data in backgorund?

fsgl wrote on Saturday, March 21, 2015:

See this. For legal reasons, the developer froze project.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, March 21, 2015:


I didn’t realize MedMasterPro removed their repository. Was there a legal discussion somewhere regarding this code?


fsgl wrote on Sunday, March 22, 2015:

Hi, Brady.

I could have sworn that MedMasterPro had cited some legal reasons for not continuing with his project, but I cannot find that thread.

Hope I’m not spreading false rumors.

The code is still there in Github.