Secondary Billing Issue

mmaves09 wrote on Thursday, April 16, 2009:

Just wondering if anyone is familiar with the secondary billing aspect in OpenEMR. The system sets the claims to the billing area after primary payment was made but places them in the already billed area and not the to be billed area. Any ideas on a fix for this?


jpmd wrote on Thursday, April 16, 2009:

Maybe a question for Rod??

Has anyone been using the new billing without SQL ledger successfully all the way through?

Jude A. Pierre, MD

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, April 16, 2009:

Michelle, when you enter the payment into the EOB Invoice paage, there’s an option there to re-open the claim for secondary billing.  That should mark it as needing billing, but let me know if it’s not working.


sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, April 16, 2009:

Yes I have one U.S. client doing that now and a couple more that will convert soon.
