
sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, December 22, 2005:

I just wanted to mention that I’m working on a pretty comprehensive set of screenshots, with narrative text, for OpenEMR.

The problem that I perceive, and am trying to solve, is that many docs are passing on OpenEMR because they don’t have a quick-and-easy way to see how it works and what it does.  The demos help a bit but they don’t do enough explaining or handholding… it’s not obvious enough what the workflows are and it’s easy to miss things.

More to come.

– Rod

drbowen wrote on Thursday, December 22, 2005:

Thanks Rod,

I’ve been trying to the same thing but have been eaten alive by my day job.

After having worked with XOOPS some, The Wiki may be the best way to work on the documentation.

Adding things to the current cjaycontent is a little cumbersome:

The Manual:

The Wiki would also allow more contributors to work oon the documentation concurrently.

The Wiki:

drbowen wrote on Thursday, December 22, 2005:

The only disadvantage that I have found so far is that the Wiki uses StrictCamelHumping to indicate new links. 

So far I haven’t found a way to indicate new links with OpenEMR style names.  The three capital letters in a row are not accepted as camel humping.

Both methods will accept both html pages and php pages.

The main advantage to the Wiki is that one does not need higher level privileges (webmaster level) to contribute.

I can be help a lot in writing documentation when it comes to the clinical aspects of OpenEMR but I don’t know much about the billing apsects and integration with SQL-Ledger.

I need you and people like Jim Proctor to help with these areas.

I am open to suggestions.

Clearly membership at is growing daily. 

Sam Bowen, MD

andres_paglayan wrote on Thursday, December 22, 2005:

I am curious about the two things you mention,
Rod, How do you perceive docs are lacking info (I thought OpenEMR is very intuitive.
Dr. Bowen, how many subscribers?
-just curious,

drbowen wrote on Thursday, December 22, 2005:

There is already a lot of information in the "docs" as in the two versions of the manual.

Adults are almost always visual learners.  They learn faster by seeing an example.   So the screen shots make it much easier to comprehend.

OpenEMR ships with no data.  A lot of the features are not intuitive until there is some data to be seen.  Once the data is there clicking on the data is what activates the function.

If there is no data, nothing to see or click, it’s not obvious how to get started.

I set my screenshots up and then add a red arrow that looks (somewhat) like a mouse point to give the adult visual lerner a better refence.

Currently has 27 registered users.

There are five users that the system considers inactive.  So far I have found any XOOPS administrative way to deal with these inactive users. 

A lot of folks were having trouble getting registered because the e-mail delivery system was not functioning correctly.  Things are better now.

Sam Bowen, MD

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, December 22, 2005:

Sam, you say "things are better now"… is there still any remaining problem with registration?

I believe I can work with the wiki, but for consistency will probably have to redo the partial manual that’s already been done.  Is there a way to delete wiki pages?  Or do they automatically get deleted when nothing references them?

Also a presentation of screenshots has a somewhat different focus from that of a manual, but can be a good starting point for a manual and can share most of the same images.  I guess we’ll work through that later.

The page name "WiwiHome" looks a bit odd.  Is that a typo?

Is there a way for users who do not have xoops webmaster privileges to upload images for wiki pages?

– Rod

drbowen wrote on Thursday, December 22, 2005:

"is there still any remaining problem with registration?"

It is still a little tricky for new users to use the  correct username and password.  I usually get around this by manually changing their password, login myself to verify that it works and then e-mail the user with the new password. 

These have already activated their account but are using the wrong password:username pair.

The actual registration seems to be working fine.

If the new user does not activate the account they end up in the “inactive” status.  But I can’t much for them with an “inactive” status.  The XOOPS system does not let activate the accounts manually.

The wiki is not as sophisticated as a regular dedicated wiki.  It does not have as many tools, and is somewhat "stripped down". 

Its main advantage is it is an integral part of the XOOPS site and does not need additional configuration of an external wiki.

To me  good manual has to make use of lots of screen shots to demonstrate what is going on.

I do the steps for a particular procedure one click at a time and do a screen shot with the red arrow pointer to show users where to click.

The name of the Wiki module that I installed is "wiwi".  So wiwihome and wiwimod.  I think " stands for the character " .  So "WiwiHome"   becomes "WiwiHome".

For the wiki, the images need to be transferred by ssh to the server and then placed in a directory accessible inside the XOOPS site.  Currently the image path for the wiki looks like this:


so login_small.jpg is in the ~webroot/xoops/pics/ directory.

Using the cjaycontent module is a little harder to work with but does allow other users to upload images, files etc.

We could create a "developer" group and give that group privileges to upload files and images.  These images are also inside the the ~webroot/xoops/ path but the diretory is writable by the webserver and will allow users with substantially lower permissions to upload both files and images.

I woul dhope that we could ppick one or the other and have everyone who is interested work on the manual.

Sam Bowen, MD

sunsetsystems wrote on Friday, December 23, 2005:

I think what I’ll do is create these screenshot/manual pages as a set of plain old HTML files that will be included with the OpenEMR distribution.  That way they will be automatically available to OpenEMR users, and can also be set up at or anywhere else.

– Rod

sunsetsystems wrote on Friday, December 23, 2005:

OK I’ve finished the first section of screenshots and text.  So far I’m anticipating the following sections:

  System Setup
  Setting up a new patient
  Issues and Immunizations
  Encounters and Coding
  Prescriptions, Transactions and Notes
  Accounting and Receivables
  Reports (includes BatchCom)
  Access Control Administration

You can see the first section at:

Any comments so far?

– Rod

sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, December 24, 2005:

The second section is now done and ready for comments:

– Rod

drbowen wrote on Saturday, December 24, 2005:

If its Ok with you I can import these into

Sam Bowen

sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, December 24, 2005:


– Rod

drbowen wrote on Saturday, December 24, 2005:

Do you have a preference?

Wiki  or CjayContent (Manual) ?

sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, December 24, 2005:

No, I will trust your judgment.  :slight_smile:

– Rod

drbowen wrote on Sunday, December 25, 2005:

I have added:

Set Up Your Clinic:

and Add A New Patient:

I thought I might go ahead and set both Cjay content and the Wiki.  That way the Wiki can be modified as we go along.

Rod already has the appropriate privileges to add new images to:


Inside of the Wiki the link is:


If we use relative links in the wiki we may well be able to use wget -r  to recursively download the links and build a manual to package with each new release.

As an example:


may be more generalizable than


Sam Bowen

drbowen wrote on Sunday, December 25, 2005:

I closed the links to the pages that do not yet have screen shots until I can get them fixed.

The dead links and lack of images seem to be confusing the users to much.

Sam Bowen

sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, December 26, 2005:

Thanks Sam!  I’ve now completed a section for scheduling.  The index page, which includes section names not yet done (these may change) is here:

– Rod

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, December 27, 2005:

I have added Rod Roark’s “Using the Calendar”.

The most recently updated manual with extensive screenshots includes:

Getting Started
Set Up Your Clinic
Add a New Patient
Using the Calendar
Beginning Ubuntu Server Management

Sam Bowen, MD

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, December 27, 2005:

I also completed a section on encounters.  However I’d like to see it re-done with a doctor’s input.  Sam, perhaps you could go through it and suggest some more realistic data for the SOAP notes, coding and prescription?

I have some "real" work to do today, so will get back to this later today or tomorrow.

– Rod

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, December 27, 2005:

I added the "Open A New Encounter" to the on-line manual.