Hi guys
We are trying to make some help files for some of the modules using screen capture. I would appreciate it if some of you had any suggestions about which one is the best to use.
Thank you alfonso and Pimm
Being new to this I was wondering if we could first record the screen and then add the audio. What I did with Camstudio was to record the screen and then add audio through windows movie maker: is this stupid?
Actually that’s quite typical.
One major difference between CamStudio and Wink:
In Camstudio you need to add objects (Arrows and Bubble messages) while you are recording. With Wink you can add them after.
Here’s a link http://www.debugmode.com/wink
It seems I can save it only as SWF in wink : and this does not go into youtube where I wanted to create a public channel with all the help files.
Again, I may not know if there is another option