Scheduling issues

bb2013 wrote on Monday, February 25, 2013:

I have encountered a few issues with scheduling and hope somebody can give me some insight.

After  I  try to set the provider in and out of office times and hit “find available” it shows available appointment slots all the way to  11:45pm. This happens  even though I might set the provider office time from 9AM-5PM.  In Globals, I made sure the office start and stop time was 9AM -5PM. This is really annoying for the front desk staff. Any advice?

Burt Brown

arnabnaha wrote on Monday, February 25, 2013:

I tried to reproduce your problem in the 4.1.2 development demo…it showed correct behaviour i.e tll 5:30 PM only when clicked on the Find Available…you can try it out n the official demo…

bb2013 wrote on Monday, February 25, 2013:

Hi - thank you for the prompt reply. Where do I get access to this “official demo” of 4.1.2 release? Also, do you know when this release is expected to come out? Thanks.

arnabnaha wrote on Monday, February 25, 2013:

Hi…Not sure of the release date…but it will come out after the MU2 certification may be…

this is the link to openemr wiki: