Restoring Deleted Patient

juggernautsei wrote on Wednesday, August 24, 2016:

A patient was deleted from the system. Is there a way to restore that patient chart?

mdsupport wrote on Wednesday, August 24, 2016:

Delete process zaps it from db. Best bet is :

  1. use backup to restore as a copy of the database
  2. use compound all variations of pid, patient_id, external_id etc in --where clause of mysqldump to create a selective dump of patient records.
  3. take a backup of production
  4. restore the dump without drop & create table statements.
  5. validate. fix. validate.

Best luck.

ps. If you find a better way - may be something in deidentification module - please share what worked for you.

mdsupport wrote on Wednesday, August 24, 2016:

You could also browse through log to see if that helps…

juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, August 25, 2016:

I had a bright idea to look for all the inserts for the patient that are in the log files. That should be everything that was entered for the patient.

Sadly after many hours of labor the Inserts did not yeild the entire patient record.

Still working on this one.

juggernautsei wrote on Friday, August 26, 2016:

Restoring the LBF data is the next challange