Restore script error

doktoro wrote on Thursday, May 19, 2011:

I’m preparing to upgrade my 3.2.0 installation to 4.0, in the process of which I am also upgrading my software from Ubuntu 9.04 to 11.04.

I’m doing a test run on a separate machine running Ubuntu 11.04 and a fresh install of OpenEMR 4.0.0. I have an emr_backup.tar file created with the Adminstration > Backup function from the 3.2 machine (which I renamed emr_backup_1.tar) and I am trying to restore it to the 4.0 machine. Here’s what I get in the terminal:

Enter path/name of backup file: /home/myusername/Downloads/emr_backup_1.tar
Extracting /home/avery/Downloads/emr_backup_1.tar ...
Extracting /tmp/emr_backup/openemr.tar.gz ...
ls: cannot access sites: No such file or directory
grep: sites//sqlconf.php: No such file or directory
grep: sites//sqlconf.php: No such file or directory
grep: sites//sqlconf.php: No such file or directory
Do you want to specify site ID, locations or database names for the restore? [N/y] N
Error: Site '' already exists in '/var/www/openemr/sites'.

what am I doing wrong?

I confess, rather shamefully, that I have never verified my backups previously.

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, May 19, 2011:

To restore a 3.2 backup you must use the 3.2 version of the restore script.  After that’s done you can proceed to upgrade… don’t restore on top of an existing installation.


doktoro wrote on Friday, May 20, 2011:

Thanks, Rod.