doktoro wrote on Thursday, May 19, 2011:
I’m preparing to upgrade my 3.2.0 installation to 4.0, in the process of which I am also upgrading my software from Ubuntu 9.04 to 11.04.
I’m doing a test run on a separate machine running Ubuntu 11.04 and a fresh install of OpenEMR 4.0.0. I have an emr_backup.tar file created with the Adminstration > Backup function from the 3.2 machine (which I renamed emr_backup_1.tar) and I am trying to restore it to the 4.0 machine. Here’s what I get in the terminal:
Enter path/name of backup file: /home/myusername/Downloads/emr_backup_1.tar
Extracting /home/avery/Downloads/emr_backup_1.tar ...
Extracting /tmp/emr_backup/openemr.tar.gz ...
ls: cannot access sites: No such file or directory
grep: sites//sqlconf.php: No such file or directory
grep: sites//sqlconf.php: No such file or directory
grep: sites//sqlconf.php: No such file or directory
Do you want to specify site ID, locations or database names for the restore? [N/y] N
Error: Site '' already exists in '/var/www/openemr/sites'.
what am I doing wrong?
I confess, rather shamefully, that I have never verified my backups previously.