Could someone please spell out the procedure for restoring OpenEMR with only the backup file created using the “Create Backup” button within the Administration>Backup view? When I attempted this I was left with only empty databases and I didn’t have any idea what to do with the phpgacl file. An error was generated when I tried to import tables using the openemr.sql file also. I don’t understand what is the purpose of two of the 3 files I guess. Thanks - Jen
Shouldn’t have the phpgacl file. Looked through the backup.php, and there is a bug. Posted the fix to ‘master’ (development tip) branch. If it works out then will include it in the next 4.0 patch. In ubuntu can run the restore script to restore at:
(note that the phpgacl file that is erroneously there could potentially break the restore script).
Ok. It seems to work fine as long as the phpgacl file is removed from the emr_backup.tar file first. Thanks. I needed to know that this could be reliably accomplished. -Jen