Rest api call Continuity of Care Document (CCD)

What will be api url for fetching Continuity of Care Document (CCD). Do we need to do any extra configuration in openemr for calling CCD and AllergyIntolerance rest api.


Look at the FHIR doc-ref operation. You’ll need to make sure you have the carecoordination module setup in order to generate the CCD.

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I am able to generate CCD report. I am able to fetch metadata and other individual fhir resources data by rest api call.
But I am unable to find what will be get rest api for CCD and AllergyIntolerance.
and what other configuration is required for get rest api for ccd


Can you please guide me.


Do you know how to get an OAuth2 access token? You haven’t mentioned anything about how you are grabbing the AccessToken as its clear you are getting a 401 access denied error. That suggests your AccessToken is either missing or that you are missing scopes. You need an access token with the scope. You’ll also need the scope to grab the inner document.

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Suggest check to see what version OpenEMR. The example CCDA shown looks old!

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Yeah. I can able to generate access token. I am able to fetch other individual fhir resources

“scope”: “openid api:oemr api:fhir api:port user/ user/allergy.write user/ user/appointment.write user/ user/dental_issue.write user/ user/document.write user/ user/ user/encounter.write user/ user/facility.write user/ user/ user/insurance.write user/ user/insurance_company.write user/ user/ user/ user/medical_problem.write user/ user/medication.write user/message.write user/ user/patient.write user/ user/practitioner.write user/ user/ user/ user/soap_note.write user/ user/surgery.write user/ user/vital.write user/ user/ user/ user/ user/ user/DocumentReference.$docref user/ user/ user/ user/ user/ user/ user/Organization.write user/ user/Patient.write user/ user/Practitioner.write user/ user/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/DocumentReference.$docref patient/”

I am getting zero ccd value by this api url-http://hostname:8082/apis/default/fhir/DocumentReference

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Version Number

7.0.0 (2)