Required fields in Italy and I think in Europ

robyn03 wrote on Thursday, January 10, 2013:

Hello all,
I have a request if feasible: on screen / patient demographic have assigned to the variable genericname1 the voice FISCAL CODE   and of the variable genericname2 the voice VAT (mandatory in Italy and I think also in Europe).
I have a php form that automatically calculates this information, how do I integrate it into screen patient / demographic?
How can I insert screens to show what is it?
I note that this information should be printed on the invoice

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, January 12, 2013:


You could add these as new items via the Administration->Layouts->Demographics editor (some advice here is to back up your OpenEMR before you use this and to never delete items; better to make them “unused” in “UOR” column). The other items will require coding within the demographics form and invoices. Options are you to do it yourself, convince a volunteer (unlikely) or hire a pro. If plan to do it yourself, you can find the scripts that need to be modified by right-click->‘This Frame’->‘View Frame Info’ in your web browser on the page that you want to place the customized code in(script name is in the ‘Address’ row).
