Remove data in 17, 17a, 17b

anonymous wrote on Tuesday, December 15, 2009:

I am automatically getting rendering provider information in 17 and 17a (We don’t have any referring providers).  This is showing in all claims.  How do I remove this information?

anonymous wrote on Tuesday, December 15, 2009:

Appreciate if anyone can provide workaround for this issue…

ideaman911 wrote on Wednesday, December 16, 2009:


In …/openemr/library/ (replace the “-” characters with underscore, which do not display in the Sourceforge viewer) from about line 318 you will see all those and how to work with them.  The 17A will print as long as it is NOT a Medicare claim.  To eliminate all, simply comment out those by inserting a double slash on the left of each line.  Make certain you include all the correct opening and closing braces ( { and } ).  But be sure you do not need the actual care provider, whose info should be the default in the Fee Sheet, or can be inserted there by whomever is actually filling that out.

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241

anonymous wrote on Wednesday, December 16, 2009:

Thanks Joe.

Just I made another change.  Removed default provider name from patient Demographics.  Now nothing is showing in box 17 and 17A.

Which option do you recommend?  (1) Remove default provider (2) modify the code in …/openemr/library/