Recording blood sugar

takodorkii wrote on Friday, March 14, 2014:

I want to manually type in my patient’s record of blood sugar by day. I can’t seem to find out where to do so. May someone help me out?

blankev wrote on Friday, March 14, 2014:

Procedures. This is for All kind of tests. Just have to accept that some lab tests have to be prepared before you can use these tests.

Go to the WIKI, do a search for Procedures.

fsgl wrote on Friday, March 14, 2014:

If serum glucose is the only lab test required, it would be simpler to do any of the following: 1) in 4.1.2, Administration>Lists>Issue>Types. Add a new Issues category, Serum Glucose. 2) the values can be placed in a LBV form graph. But the problem here is that an encounter is required. 3) upload a .jpeg file of a week’s worth of values into Documents/Medical Record. 4) use Disclosures to store results. A calendar is included in the module.

mdsupport wrote on Saturday, March 15, 2014:

Jeanette, current state of OpenEMR is not really geared to store and (one would imagine at a later point) display this type of information in graphical form or do any trend analytics. Current structure (e.g. procedures or layout forms) is geared towards a full encounter. It will be grossly misleading if you create 30 encounters to store 30 days of measurements that a patient brought with them. It will distort all Meaningful Use calculations (if you are in US). It will also make it hard to review encounter history.

As far as manually typing the values, it is better if patient gets one of the newer devices that share the readings with Patient’s PHR such as HealthVault. At the time of visit or any time, patient can save this information on usb stick and bring to the office for import. This will eliminate typing errors on clinic’s part. Patient can even share that information with your practice’s HealthVault account for you to review. You can then save the graph as part of your progress note.

takodorkii wrote on Wednesday, March 19, 2014:

I understand OpenEMR’s situation. Is there anyway to manually type in the level of blood sugar then? The option of doing that on the vitals page doesn’t seem to exist.

blankev wrote on Wednesday, March 19, 2014:

Administration => Procedures

Open group
Add Type Chemicals (or whatever is convenient)
Add Blood Glucose (Fasting) for Chemicals
Add under Chemicals Blood Glucose (2 r after) for Chemicals
Add under Chemicals Blood HbA1c (Blood long range check) for Chemicals

Also make the right connections under order and result…

Start with reading the WIKI pages OpenEMR on: Procedures.

Within short time there will also be Graphics for plotting the results, do a Search in Forums for, produnis in Forum for Developers

Don’t forget to present your results in this Forum so we can include them in our WIKI pages. (Could help other newbies started)

takodorkii wrote on Wednesday, March 19, 2014:

I have an admin tab and a procedures tab on the left side of my screen and both tabs do not show any of the options for adding blood glucose/chemicals. I clicked onto all the links under both tab and they both do not show anything similar.

blankev wrote on Thursday, March 20, 2014:

You have an Administration tab and a Procedures tab. So you did readthe manual. Next step is to start your OpenEMR version as an Administrator with all rights.

In every Demo version that is admin and pass.

If you have done that the next step is to create a NEW USER and get the same rights as the Administrator.

Now you will find more options under both TABS. This also means that you can get the exclusive rights and nobody else will be able to login exept for you as an administrator. My advise is DO NOT DO THIS. Because nobody will be able to give you any help if you can not login.

Good luck tell me if you are stuck again and what you did accomplish.

blankev wrote on Thursday, March 20, 2014:

Under Procedures you will find the TAB configuration. Than do the things there what I mentioned above.

mdsupport wrote on Thursday, March 20, 2014:

Recording blood sugar with procedures takes too many steps. If this is the only requirement and you would be recording only one reading per encounter, unconventional way to ‘adapting’ the vitals form may be to use translation feature of OpenEMR. If you are not planning to use any of existing fields (e.g. Head Circumference), go to Administration -> Other -> Language -> Edit Definitions
Search for Constants (e.g. Head Circumference) which will provide a text box. Enter the description you need and press update.
Advantage of this is graphing is automatically available for these values.
Disadvantage of this method is database field and its content will have mismatch. That could prove to be an issue at some later point.

blankev wrote on Thursday, March 20, 2014:

Very few medical professionals only need Glucose. The glucose levels are almost always done in combination with other testing and indeed are often done more than once during a day.

Examples for Glucose:
Fasting Glucose level
2hrs after eating Glucose level (2AB levels)
HbA1c levels
Cholesterol Total
Cholesterol HDL
Cholesterol HDLD
Cholesterol LDL

and any combination of the above.

Even though the graphing option in Procedures is not yet available and functioning, I would advise the Procedure option, since procedures are meant to do the Laboratory and other out-of Facility testings like radiology, biopsies, Pap-smears, etc.

Note: a Glucose is hardly ever a VITAL to be registered. This also is true for the Head Circumference and abdominal circumference (correction, this could be a Vital after abdominal trauma)… jut to mention a few in the history of Vitals and outcomes due to special requests.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, March 20, 2014:

Recording the Serum Glucose may not be the result of a visit that’s billable, i.e., the patient may phone Glucometer readings into the office. Vitals is encounter linked and too much work for this task.

Procedures is more module than needed in this case. If Lams, a developer, had difficulties setting it up; a user will have trouble as well.

Still another alternative is to record the series of results in Notes. See attachment and Demo 4.1.2 (3). The date and time of the entry are automatically recorded. The note can be amended, which keeps this documentation in one discrete location.

takodorkii wrote on Friday, March 21, 2014:

Thank you for all your help. Unfortunately, I think this is beyond my expertise and will be keeping note of the glucose level in patient notes for simplicity purposes. Sorry for the inconvenience it has brought to all.

blankev wrote on Friday, March 21, 2014:

After all the information you got, all the explanations and more than many options to register Glucose and now you tell us you can’t find how to do this and revert to almost pencil and paper solutions?

Who is Jeanette ? Why does she want to register Glucose? Who asked you to do this? We need this information for future reference so we are not disappointed by the many questions asked, solutions given, to revert to the obvious.

fsgl wrote on Friday, March 21, 2014:


I thought the Dutch were reserved, non-emotve types. If I did not know better I would think, yes, most definitely Mediterranean.


Pimm (Pieter) is very kind 98% of the time.

blankev wrote on Friday, March 21, 2014:

Your guestimate is completely wrong. I am not above the 45%… not even kind.

But I think that if people think of taking the horse card to travel back in time, to at least they should explain why this is a last resort. Using OpenEMR this way, no graph’s, no including of summary, etc…, this needs explanation…

OpenEMR is difficult to get started and that is why you fsgl are so nice to show where to go. Step by step, taking a hand to guide. If that goes wrong YOU, who is nice definitely 99%, if not more of the time, you too has to know why!

takodorkii wrote on Friday, March 21, 2014:

To answer your question, I’m an intern for a consulting company and my responsibility is to track whether the system can perform certain tasks and the difficulty of it in the views of clinicians. I appreciate you guys showing me ways to document glucose level but for a starting clinician, it may be too time-consuming to do so on this system. Also, I have no plans to do it using paper and pen. I was going to document the information on the patient note application of the system.

fsgl wrote on Friday, March 21, 2014:

Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die.

(Sorry, Pimm; paraphrasing Alfred, Lord Tennyson was too great a temptation to pass up.)

blankev wrote on Friday, March 21, 2014:

That brings up the blood sugar…

blankev wrote on Friday, March 21, 2014:

I know “one stupid can ask more questions than a really wise can answer”.

So the next question is:

What kind of consulting Company might want to know the bloodsuger without any goal for comparison?

If you get tired of my questions just tell me! I know I can become boring…