I would like to ask ur help, Is there any way that i could add doctors name in the Receipt for PAYMENT along with patient name and the others details. Please help me…
I would like to ask ur another help, Is there any way that i could add Patient Id no in the checkout PAYMENT along with patient name and the others details.
Thank you for this addition! Is it possible to change the patient_id into patient_dob or patient_ss, since most of my patients have a patient_id that is only available for the local office and does not help for identification purposes for the outside world.
Is there an easy insert? Or do I have to re-write most part of the file?
patient_id is defined in the upper parts of the file, but I could not find a quick solution to change id into ss or dob… except for changing id in the database, but that was no solution, since this is a connecting field and most of the patient information did not show as before.
For me it would be a good idea and useful. If I was more at ease with GIT-hub I would place it in the correct file to get it included, with some commenting text.
I Dont have any Insurance patients, all of my patients pay by cash, so the first encounter of every patient is done at the reception by the receptionist, later the doctor does new encounter. Therefore,in the Receipt of Payment Receptionist’s name is shown as the Provider. Is there anyway i can get the Doctors name(i.e. the providers name under the “choice” tab in demograpichs, in the Encounter history) as the Provider in Receipt of Payment???