Quest Diagnostics Integration


I am looking for the Quest Diagnostics Integration manual

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated


Were you ever successful with Quest Diagnoastics Integration?


Hi. Any luck with this?


This process is dragging on and on because the production system is not working yet in order to get final approval from Quest to distribute the module. Here is our official reference in Quest system.
HORI51726 Juggernaut Systems
But until I get get the client production system to transmit and order to the Quest. It can’t can’t get final approval. The development system works fine. But that is not good enough for Quest to bless the module. I will keep you all posted once we figure out what the problem on the production server is. The client will not allow me access to the production server. I have to work with him and send code changes little by little trying to diagnose what is wrong.