Procedure to link OpenEMR to Quest, any rep (quest or openEMR) that can facilitate?


I installed the module and registered quest account. Took more than a week to obtain account # from my local quest rep and still haven’t been provided with additional required module info in order to link OpenEMR with quest. OpenEMR module instructions state that quest rep needs to contact OpenEMR, and my local Austin area quest rep seems to know nothing about it and stated “We can integrate with your EMR, you will need to engage the vendor to enter the request to begin the process.” Been 3 weeks or so since started process. Is there any OpenEMR and/or Quest reps that can facilitate the process?

@juggernautsei Is this in your region? @juggernautsei has a Quest module but last I heard there’s some funky relationships Quest has as to who is the support vendor depending on the region of the country you are in.

@adunsulag and @sunny
This is the most confusing thing. Quest is not making this easy to do. Internally Quest has a quotic process. It is normal for Quest to take a long time to do anything. I am going to repost the instructions here for those that come after this is posted.

The instructions do not say to contact OpenEMR.

In the instructions, the clinic representative should go to the Quest site listed and select “physician.” After filling out this section, the next steps are unclear.

Quest representatives in various regions often provide misinformation based on my experience. They generally lack knowledge about completing this process. Therefore, I strongly recommend that anyone starting this process contact me via email after submitting the form on Quest’s website.

Previously, Quest representatives have found in their system that OpenEMR is still under development for an interface and have informed clinic representatives that the interface is incomplete, despite what my instructions indicate.

The Quest representative is not responsible for issuing credentials. The credentials are issued by an engineering person connected to us. Quest will not allow the clinic to connect and start sending orders or receiving results until their engineering staff has verified the instance.

All instances of OpenEMR must be tested before receiving live credentials.

Quest has a very slow process. This is what I have learned in the last year and a half. I hope this helps.

Signing up for Quest services, use this website.

Go to this webpage and fill out the form requesting services. Select physicians’ path.

Fill out the form with this information.
Vendor Product ID & vendor name: HORI51726 Juggernaut Systems
EHR Name: OpenEMR

The Quest Quantum Hub module will allow for a bi-directional interface with Quest Hub. The module is a seamless integration with the existing interface. The current interface will be used as normal. The module talks with Quest API system replacing the SFTP file transfers. The Quest Hub will auto-generate a requisition form for each order if bidirectional is enabled. This feature can be disabled in the config if not desired. If “results only” is desired. This setting can be made in the configuration.

The module Quest Hub ID is HORI51726 Juggernaut Systems. Give this information to your Quest regional representative along with your practice is using OpenEMR.

There is a company out there called Williams Medical. They have been the go to company for years for Quest integrations. @sunny was contacted by Williams Medical.
The module that I created is not association with Williams Medical in any way. If anyone is contacted by Williams Medical. They will install something different. I have no association with whatever code Williams Medical will install.