Problems upgrading Mac OSX install of 4.2.2 to 5.0

I’m trying to install the upgrade to 5.0 onto my functioning XAMPP 5.6.21_0 install with OpenEMR 4.2.2 running in OSX v.10.11.6

I downloaded the windows file and unpacked it. Then I followed the upgrade instructions:

Move current (4.2.2) /openemr directory to a backup directory


Unpackage 5.0.0 openemr into web directory and rename the directory to opener


Move following directories from old 4.2.2 version to /openemr directory:


Record the openemr/sites/default/sqlconf.php file variables from your old 4.2.2 version, and type these into the openemr/sites/default/sqlconf.php file in new opener version


In the openemr/sites/default/sqlconf.php file, set the $config variable (found near bottom of file within bunch of slashes) to 1 ($config = 1;).


__Open openemr/sql_upgrade.php (http://localhost/openemr/sql_upgrade.php) in web browser, choose 4.2.2 and click ‘Upgrade Database’_

NOPE. I can’t get this to happen.

If I just put this address in the Safari browser, I get the message “Safari Cant Connect to the Server”.

If I start the apache server and mysql database with Manager OSX, and try the same address in the browser, I get no response.

I can’t log onto the openEMR login page either.


Note that while I’ve configured the 4.2.2 installation in some ways, I don’t have any patient data in there. I could just delete it all and do a clean installation of openEMR v5. In fact, I tried to do this first, using the Windows XAMPP plus OpenEMR 5.0.0 package. But following the instructions for this install doesn’t work in OSX. And I can’t find a specific OSX installation package like the one that was available for 4.2.2.

I figured that I ought to upgrade to 5.0.0 before starting to use the program, to avoid early obsolescence, but so far no joy with upgrade or clean re-installation, here in the Mac world.

What to do now?


There has been recent success by several OSX users to install OpenEMR 5.0.0 per following:

In the past, our support for OSX hasn’t been too good, but I think this is beginning to change now that there are more OSX users whom hopefully will begin to support each other on the chat/forum/wiki; for example, there was a recent improvement to the above wiki entry for OSX to remove the Cpdf libary from xampp.

And regarding upgrade, I can only guess that there are potential file/dir permission issues going on. One thing to check is if copying back the prior 4.2.2 openemr directory from backup to the openemr directory works(I think this would confirm there is a file/dir permission issue). But would be good to get a fellow OSX user to help address this.


I was able to restore 4.2.2 by replacing the XAMPP folder with a pre-upgrade version using Time Machine, and regained my original functionality.

Then I gave up on the upgrade path (no patient data in there yet) and went for a new install using 5.0.0.