I am using Open EMR 6.0 with patch 2 on Linux Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
I set up an account with Weno, verified my credentials with them and followed the instructions to set up weno on the Open EMR.
The problem I am encountering is that at first the User-Settings-Connectors tab looks like this:
As you can see there is no place to type in the password for the Weno E-prescriber. At the same time the Administration-Other-Weno management looks this way:
Again there is no place to type in the location ID
After several log ins and outs the Administration-Other-Weno management gives an Error message upon loading that looks like this:
I click OK and finally everything is working as it should. The User-Settings-Connectors tab has Weno user password field and the Weno management tab has the Location ID field. I can E prescribe at this time. The all chain of events repeats with certain period of not using the EMR
Any suggestions?
Just some update. Most of the problems I managed to resolve. I can send E scripts now, but I am still unsure about the message of Error that appears when I go to Administration-Other_Weno management. here is the copy of that screen again. It seems that the locations are loading but the script stops there and is not loading the rest of the page.
Thank you for the advice. I ran the patch and it went through OK. Selected the 5.0.1 There is still no change in the situation but I suppose I will have to restart the server in order all this to take the effect. I will let you know.
Hi Sherwin
I Restarted the server after following your directions. The situation did not change. The Reports-services-background service look like this:
Weno Log Sync No Not Applicable Not Applicable No 2021-01-18 11:25:10 Not Applicable