Problem with forms

gutiersa wrote on Tuesday, May 22, 2012:

I used to be able to view and edit the new encounter form. But I lost the ability a few patches ago. (maybe at the time of color changes? blue to yellow?)
One of my custom forms has the same problem. once I complete it and save it it comes up blank. However the info is in fact in the database.
Initially when i first open the form, before saving it, it is yellow. I save, returns blank. If I reopen to re do, it comes up blue and of course empty.
help please?

gutiersa wrote on Tuesday, May 22, 2012:

for example when I re-open a soap note it is blue instead of yellow, so i know that print/report, and creating note and saving may not be coordinated. where do I start looking to fix the new encounter form?

ty sandra

juggernautsei wrote on Wednesday, May 23, 2012:


I was reading your post and the way that I would address this is to first try to get back to where the programmed worked right.
You will need to find out if it is a database problem or a code issue. If you have not already done so, make a copy of your entire database and code for testing purposes. Once you have a copy of the database running, take a copy of the code with now updates and change the sqlconfig.php file to match the production copy and point it to the copied database.
You should be able to see if you are still having the same issue with the encounter form. If you are still having the same issue. Then it is a database problem. If you don’t, then it is a code issue. This should give you a place to start to trouleshoot.

If it is a database issue, at the command prompt run the mysqlcheck -u root -p (databasename). This will tell you if you have any corrupt tables. You can go one step more and install a clean copy of the program database and all and look at the table count and see if you are missing any tables.

I hope these tips help get you going.


cverk wrote on Wednesday, May 23, 2012:

I had a similar problem with upgrade patches that seemed to be due to some of the security ideas at the wiki link below.  I encrytped but left in place the listed files.  When I ran a patch upgrade it seemed to cause a problem much like you are decribing.  Once I went back and decryted those files and then ran the update, all was well. I don’t know if that applies to you, but I felt fairly fortunate to get it straightened out. I was able to go then to the newest patch 10 and everything seems to work well including x12 billing.