Problem lists Issues

zhhealthcare wrote on Saturday, January 21, 2012:

The problems lists that shows up on the list box currently does not come from the lists options but from the files.  Is there any reason why it is done that way and not from the lists table?
Can we work on a code to take that from the lists table?

Also currently there is no option to change the entry from problem to surgery or dental.  earlier it was a dropdown and we could select either one.  Is this an oversight?

Shameem C Hameed

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, January 21, 2012:


The migration of this to lists just hasn’t been done yet, because it is not straightforward (have several things that need to be represented); see openemr/library/ along with the clickoptions stuff (see openemr/sites/default/clickoptions.txt); although the clickoptions stuff can be done later. Please feel free to work on code to do this. May want to consider giving this it’s own sql table, although still using the Administration-<Lists GUI to configure (similar to the ‘Code Types’ list using the code_types table). Also need to think about how to make this work for upgraders (whom may of modified this within the codebase); it may make sense to simply instruct them to enter their settings into Administration->Lists after upgrading in the upgrade instruction set. 

Removing the option to select issues via dropdown was done because lots of complaints about being to easy to input the wrong issue type(and unable to modify after it was set); this is why issue type is chosen via which Edit you click in the Issues screen. Also note that there are issues that output different forms (so, if support being able to change the issue on the fly, then need to also re-arrange the form via javascript like is done in the Address Book when change type from a patient-centric to company-centric and vice versa).
