I am trying to install OpenEMR in a web server such as http://www.strato.de/. This hosting has php 5 and MySQL 5.
I tried to create the database from OpenEMR, but I couldn’t. Then I create a database with MySQLadmin and the name of the database is DB797043 and the user is U797043, automatically generated by the server.
In the OpenEMR setup step 2 I put these names, but I got the following error message:
OpenEMR Setup
_Step 3
Configuring OpenEMR…
Connecting to MySQL Server… ERROR. Check your login credentials.
Unknown MySQL server host ‘http’ (1) (#2005) _
It looks like the MySQL server name that you’re providing is incorrect. It should not start with “http://” as a URL might. If the webserver and MySQL server are the same machine, then “localhost” may be the easiest to use.
I can not change database name in the host. Maybe I need a dedicated host or something like that.
I decide to install OpenEMR in a computer in my office and let it work 24 h as a web server. I used no-ip.com to have a static IP and now I can acces to my OpenEMR from any computer outside my company.
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in D:\Hosting\5701144\html\emr\library\freeb\xmlrpcs.inc on line
Can anyone Help??
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in D:\Hosting\5701144\html\emr\library\freeb\xmlrpcs.inc on line 501
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in D:\Hosting\5701144\html\emr\library\freeb\xmlrpcs.inc on line 538
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in D:\Hosting\5701144\html\emr\interface\main\calendar\modules\PostCalendar\pnuserapi.php on line 1363
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in D:\Hosting\5701144\html\emr\interface\main\calendar\modules\PostCalendar\pnuserapi.php on line 1413
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in D:\Hosting\5701144\html\emr\interface\main\calendar\modules\PostCalendar\pnuserapi.php on line 1474
I had the same problem with the call-time pass-by-reference error
You will need to open those files listed and look for the ampersand “&” sign. There are several variables in each of those files that look something like this $var = “&$abc”; it should look like $var="$abc"; if you remove the “&” sign it will work.