1) i am using open emr on my local computer here it is worlking correctly but when i upload it it cause some problems can any one guide me how i can upload it on a server ?
2)can any one send me links where i can see the usage of open emr on net ?
2) Online demo can be found here: www.oemr.org demo link at top of page
(in the wiki demo section there are also other available demo links)
1) Two things need to be done:
----Copy openemr web directory over with the correct file permissions (below files need to have write access by the apache server)
----Copy the openemr mysql database over to the server’s mysql database.
-Create a empty openemr database on your server.
-Copy your current database to a file via mysqldump command, then import this into above openemr database on server
-Ensure the server user/password/databaseName in mysql name are the same as in openemr/library/sqlconf.php (if need to change these names, then ensure also change in openemr/gacl/gacl.ini.php and openemr/gacl/gacl.class.php) on the server.
If you need help uploading it to a server, let me know. My email is Dtman18@hotmail.com I’ve recently uploaded this to test on my own, and was able to do the process properly.
Just out of curiosity, where are you getting stuck?