Problem finding diagnostics code by ICD9 code ICD 10 and all others

Hi, I’m looking for in diagnostic code and nothing appears to me.

Can someone help me please?

When attempting to install ICD 10

ERROR: query failed: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ‘/tmp/ICD10/2017_I9gem.txt’ INTO TABLE icd10_gem_dx_9_10 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘’ (@var) SET revision = 0, dx_icd9_source = trim (Substring (@var, 1, 5)) , Dx_icd10_target = trim (Substring (@var, 7, 7)), flags = trim (Substring (@var, 15, 5))

Error: The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version

/home/opensalv/public_html/library/ at 363: sqlStatement
/home/opensalv/public_html/interface/code_systems/standard_tables_manage.php at 102: icd_import (ICD10)

Hello eliseoiie,

Please check your MySQL version . if it is greater or equal to MySQL 5.5 then you have to set local-infile=1 in
MySQL configuration file -> my.cnf .
The location of the my.cnf may varies based on the OS .
Kindly let us know if you have any clarifications.


hi, the version is:

Servidor de base de datos

Servidor: Localhost via UNIX socket
Tipo de servidor: MySQL
Versión del servidor: 5.6.35 - MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Versión del protocolo: 10
Usuario: opensalv@localhost
Conjunto de caracteres del servidor: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
Servidor web

Versión del cliente de base de datos: libmysql - 5.1.73
extensión PHP: mysqliDocumentación curlDocumentación mbstringDocumentación
Versión de PHP: 5.6.30

Acerca de esta versión: 4.6.6

Where do I find that file?

hi @eliseoiie it’s in the library folder under the webroot typically /var/www/html/openemr for gnu/linux

Hello eliseoiie,
You can find my.cnf file at /etc/mysql and set local-infile=1 to resolve your icd10 code installation problem
please let us know if you have any clarification

I can not find the folder.
I have a web hosting openEMR version 5.

Hi @eliseoiie ,
Are you using shared hosting or dedicated hosting?
If you are using a shared hosting, you can’t access/modify the my.cnf file. In that case, you may have to talk with your server administrator.
In case of dedicated hosting, you can change the configuration as per your need. Log on to your server and follow the below steps:
1.Go to the directory /etc/mysql/ (Linux hosting) and
2.Find the MySQL configuration file(my.cnf) and add the following:
3.Finally,Save the file and restart your MySQL service.


I can not find the file, it’s the folder, but the file is not.
I leave an image for more information

Hi eliseoiie,

Its look like you are using shared hosting.Can you confirm it?
if you are using shared hosting,You are not allowed to edit/change my.cnf file.


Cambie de servidor y todo bien! Logre instalar el ICD10, pero ahora necesito traducirlo al español.
Existe alguna manera de hacerlo?

Switch server and all good! I installed the ICD10, but now I need to translate it into Spanish.
Is there any way to do it?

Hello eliseoiie,
We can able to change the entire application’s language into Spanish except the ICD codes descriptions in OpenEMR. But we can able to change it by translating the icd code descriptions into spanish in database.


Thanks for answering.

I need to modify some, like for example:

A18.4 Yes No No ICD10 Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue [Modify]

But where it says Modify in blue, it does nothing.

How can I edit it from the same ICD10 database? Should I only modify the icd10_dx_order_code table in the database?

Hello eliseoiie,

Yes.You can update the values in short_desc and long_desc fields for icd10_dx_order_code table in OpenEMR database.
