Problem adding new groups

yhernandezm wrote on Monday, October 27, 2008:

First of all, I want to aknowledge the great job you are doing with OpenEMR.
I installed version 2.9.0 of OpenEMR and everything went smooth, until I wanted to create a new group. I don’t find the section that appears in the manual, in the administration tab, that allows to add a new group. The only group that I can manage is the one that was created during the mysql configuration process.
How can I add a new group?

Thank you in advance.


cfapress wrote on Wednesday, October 29, 2008:


I see exactly what you mean. The lack of groups is due to a configuration setting in the file <oemr>/interface/globals.php

Look for the lines:
// Traditionally OpenEMR has allowed creation of user groups (not the same
// as access control groups).  However this has never done anything very
// useful and creates confusion.  Make this false if you really want it.
$GLOBALS[‘disable_non_default_groups’] = true;

You can see that the concept of groups is nice but the logic of the software never took advantage of it. Thus it has been disabled by default.


yhernandezm wrote on Friday, October 31, 2008:

Thank you very much for your help. I see what was the problem. It is enabled now. Maybe the software logic is right. Managing several groups could lead to confusion.
Thank you again.
