Printing Rx History

fr4nkie wrote on Tuesday, July 29, 2014:

Is there a way to print a breakdown of prescription history on a patient? If printing all prescriptions from the Rx module, they are printed with the current date, not the date previously prescribed. Also no option on the reports page. Am I missing something?

Edit: Just found Reports > Clients > Rx, but it does not indicate specific date of prescription, only range of dates selected. Any other ideas?

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, July 29, 2014:

The Prescriptions List will have dates rx’s were written. Screenshot of the list can be printed. A bit awkward, but screenshot will give info.

cliniclinc wrote on Thursday, July 31, 2014:

Hi Frankie there are a lot of options available from date, doctors etc to filter or select the required encounter as well as there are a few forms which might get your work done, a little more details about the question would help in giving a specialised solution.