Printing Progress Notes From Multiple Days

anonymous wrote on Saturday, September 08, 2012:

I’ve been using OpenEMR for the past week, entering multiple progress notes. It is obvious how to select which forms are desired and print if I have to send someone a progress note from that date. However, once I have multiple notes on a patient, is there an easy way to have all the progress notes printed without having to go to each individual appointment?

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bradymiller wrote on Saturday, September 08, 2012:


Can’t you select them in Patient Summary->Report(link at top left)

That being said, OpenEMR needs a way to view(an dprint) notes without being encumbered by the encounters. Placed a section for this in the Active project wiki page:


cverk wrote on Saturday, September 08, 2012:

Related to this, you can use the reports section to view multiple page pdf attachments, but you still can only print/print to pdf, the first page.  So if you are trying to export an entire record you have to go to each pdf seperately or copy them out of the patient ID number file under sites/default/documents. This gets to be a pain as the entities requesting records from us seem to be multiplying quickly as more electronic records are used.

anonymous wrote on Monday, September 10, 2012:

I have only used OpenEMR for one week so I don’t have anyone in yet with more than one progress note. I have used the Report command to print the one progress note present. If there are more than one note present for the patient, is there an option to print all the notes? Maybe I should set up a fake patient and fake notes to play with this.

It sounds disappointing to read that once I get to putting in external reports as pdf’s there is no easy way to get them to print out. How are pdf’s filed-is it easy to separate out all the pdfs from an individual patient? I figure that if I can easily get all the pdf’s for an individual patient together, they can be copied to a CD to transfer records. (Actually, when I say “I can easily” I really mean have it simple enough for office staff  with limited computer knowledge to follow a simple instruction sheet to do this).

anonymous wrote on Monday, September 10, 2012:

I went to the demo and gave a patient two different notes and now see how there is a list of Encounters and Forms.

One problem I see with creating reports is that after using this for a while there could be a long list of Encounters. I only see a way to check each individually. Is there some trick to get it to select all?

The same issue applies to items such as the listing of problems. Any way to quickly select multiple items as opposed to individually checking each box?

bradymiller wrote on Monday, September 10, 2012:


Note the ‘Check All’ to right of PAtient Report will toggle on all the checkboxes.

Regarding the multi-page pdf issue cverk brought up, agree that this is a issue that needs to be dealt with at some point. Placed an item for it on the Projects page:
(note almost all of these projects on this active page are rather important, but will likely need sponsorship of a pro to get them done)


anonymous wrote on Monday, September 10, 2012:

I don’t recall a check all box for encounters, but I will check when I have some patients in with multiple encounters So far I just tried to fake encounters on the demo site.

What about under issues? I’m using the issues to generate patient clinical summaries, but I’m finding that I have to click on each problem, each medications, and each allergy to include them. Is there something I’m missing to include a range of these-or is there a better way to generate the patient summaries?

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, September 13, 2012:


Although it’s not very clear from where it is placed, the ‘Check All’ to right of Patient Report will check everything (encounters,problems,issues,etc)


anonymous wrote on Sunday, September 16, 2012:

I subsequently realized what you meant… That works for printing everything both above and below the issues line but I was hoping for a way to print groups of things but be more selective Clicking everything looks like the way to handle the initial question of printing all progress notes with all material. I’ve been wanting to be more selective to print up a report to use as the patient’s clinical summary. In this case, clicking everything chooses way too much. I was hoping for a way to do things like choose everything under Medical Problem and/or everything under Medications without choosing everything else on the page, and without having to click each medical problem and/or medication individually.

Perhaps this is not necessary. Is there any other way built in to generate the required clinical summaries?

xiaoanri wrote on Tuesday, April 02, 2013:

currently the “issues” can be linked to each encounter as needed, this will cause items entered under “issue” column in the past encounter list screen.

When using “report” function to generate report  to include multiple encounter notes, the issues will be included once at the beginning of the report.  I was not able to have the linked issues included in the particular encounter note.  is there anything i am missing, or the “issue” cant be included to that encounter yet, to reflect the issue is linked to (and addressed during) that encounter? 

ideally, some of the issues such as medical problems can be linked and then included in a particular encounter note and function as assessment, and even be carried over to billing sheet as icds for the encounter.  just a thought….

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, April 02, 2013:

There’s nothing currently in the patient report that cares about the link between issues and encounters.  Something could certainly be done about that, just requires someone willing to do or sponsor the work.


xiaoanri wrote on Tuesday, April 02, 2013:

Rod, thank you for the info, I will try to mess around or maybe find some help, will report back if any progress.

marcin201 wrote on Thursday, August 15, 2013:

I have been using reports to printout progress notes. One problem is that patient identifier is included only on the first page. Is there anyway to include patient’s identifier subsequent all pages?
