Print Lab Reports using Patient Portal

sripi wrote on Saturday, October 17, 2015:


I was checking through the Onsite Patient Portal,but is there a way where we can print the Lab Reports using Onsite Patient Portal.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, October 17, 2015:

It’s possible to print lab results directly from Procedures using Ctrl + p.

sripi wrote on Sunday, October 18, 2015:

Right that can be done by Provider or the User.
But how can Patient himself take a Print of the Lab Report(Can that be done using Onsite Patient Portal) ?

fsgl wrote on Sunday, October 18, 2015:

Didn’t check if a patient’s lab results can be found in Reports. If so, theoretically yes.

Strongly advise against allowing general access to Procedure module as it is a violation of the patients’ confidentialty, even if HIPAA is not applicable to your practice.