Print Itemize Statement with Total Due

bimmer32 wrote on Tuesday, June 12, 2012:

Hello everyone,

I am happy to have discovered Open EMR, and I am still learning a lot about what this software can do. I have a chiropractic practice and would like to find out how to do an itemized billing statement. I went into the billing and payment section and see the x12 and HCFA form setup/print, but I could not find a “statement” form that I could use with the Billing Manager module. Is this something that I have to customize using php or does a “statement” form exist? The itemize statement is similar to Quickbooks invoice. Basically, it itemizes the codes, cost per unit, qty unit, date, performed, and total due (fee sheet). This is something I would print and give to the client/insurance company (in personal injury cases), or the attorney.

I search through the forum and found 1 posting about itemized statement, totaldue, etc. but that was it. Any help is greatly appreciated.

tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, June 12, 2012:

About half way down in this section of the manual …
You will find a reference to printing statements. 

It’s buried kind of deep in the process as it naturally follows posting payments from insurance batches and then you can select the remainder to be billed as a patient statement.

This really needs to be pulled out to the menu level as a stand alone process.


cerber98 wrote on Tuesday, June 12, 2012:

I modified the statement file to where I believe it comes out really well, lists all codes, dates, units, how much has been paid, balance, etc, and fits into a 2-window envelope.

In addition, it addresses the statement to the parent (Guardian), if entered under “Guardian’s Name”. It also handles refunds (if pt due balance is negative).

If you like, I can e-mail it to you.


bimmer32 wrote on Tuesday, June 12, 2012:

Thank you, Tony, for pointing that out. I had a sense it was in the EOB section, but it never crossed my mind to dive deeper.

Alex, yes, please send me a copy of your statement. I would like to get some ideas how others have modified and used it on their practice. I am educating myself on the basics of php, but at this time, I don’t know enough to be dangerous. My email address is: emailQuy (at)

I greately appreciate the help.


voipbound wrote on Tuesday, June 12, 2012:

may I get a copy too, caltyty (@) yahoo please