"Previous names" field on demographic cannot save

Hello @sjpadgett,

“Previous names” field does not save for new patients on the “Add Patient” screen. When you save the form speciality_form,
it only shows a highlighted area in the text field without the text the user saved or entered.

Also, when i checked the patient_history table, it was empty.
Please check the screenshot attached.

I am running V7.0.2

Thanks in advance.

Hi Kofi, @kkappiah
I’ve confirmed this is broken.
If you’d open an issue on git I’ll see if I can fix.

Was saving(add new name is a dynamic save to table) to whatever patient was open because I expect a pid but new ptient doesn’t get their pid until form save. I resolved by disabling the add in New/Search for now.

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Hello @sjpadgett , thank for following up on this.

Kind regards.