my question is relating to the prescribing module in OpenEMR. See the screenshots below.
When one clicks ‘search’ for a drug, where is OpenEMR looking this up? This is a fresh install so I have not imported any drug databases. Does anyone know what database OpenEMR is querying?
For example if I type in ‘Citalopram’, it will return Celexa. This is good, but ideally I would like dosage information to be present as well. For example, by default 20mg would be helpful instead of having to key this in each time.
I’m not really interested in using the in house pharmacy function as these drugs aren’t stocked in house so I still need to generate an Rx.
Thanks in advance for the info,
I’m very interested in getting this module to work and adding some other features added if possible. Our clinic cannot afford AllScripts subscription fee and I cannot tell what NewCropRx’s fee is. I won’t have time to work on it for a few weeks as I am trying to complete my project for school. If anyone has anything to contribute please do so.
Can’t speak for Allscripts but NewCrop’s business model is to have vendors of OpenEMR support re- sell subscriptions to their eRx service, rather than selling direct to the customer. I know MI-Squared is one of the vendors; you can check the OpenEMR Professional Support page for others.
Rgds- Harley
Not sure if Allscripts still has free eRx option. But if they do, you can use our script that takes their details report file and creates prescription entrites by matching patient name. Since it is not a fully integrated solution, this approach entails manual tasks and some discipline on part of clinic staff. Occasionaly Allscript changes the layout of the report which needs tweaks. It takes about 5 minutes per day per prescriber but overall it has worked for us last few years. Biggest drawback there is Allscripts pushes for paid service if you need controlled sub. rxes.
There is Weno effort by Sherwin Gaddis that uses different incentives model which could probably be a free option. However that project seems to have run into commercial issues. After 5.0 rollout we will try to make that a viable option for community. I am sure Sherwin will appreciate if you pitch in.