Prescription history

benji1987 wrote on Monday, May 25, 2015:

I’m new to OpenEMR and I’m struggling with an very essential feature for us…

Is there anyway that OpenEMR can keep an history of prescriptions created(patient/prescription/edit/print(pdf)?

Or is there a better way to keep track of prescription created?

If this topic has been talked about already, please provide a link.

Thanks in advance

fsgl wrote on Monday, May 25, 2015:

Each time a rx is written, it can be copied to Medications, see 1.

The List section of Prescription provides more detail, see 2.

benji1987 wrote on Monday, May 25, 2015:

ooh wow, it’s that easy. I think thats enough for now.

Thank you very much

fsgl wrote on Monday, May 25, 2015:

You’re welcome.